I had this idea to read an old science fiction novel that I’ve never really opened before. So, I found a copy and the time was ripe, and I started reading. Then, about three chapters in, I left it in the theater after Slither, and despite a lack of shows between then and when I showed up the next day to ask after it: gone! Thusly, the book closest to hand was the next Anita Blake, and I read that instead.
And then, I waited for days to say anything about it, because although I enjoyed it, I’m running out of things to say. The Lunatic Cafe had yet another reasonably good mystery (not feasibly solvable like Veronica Mars, but fun to watch unfold), still more wacky dating hijinks with local vampires and werewolves, and a heroine whose pluck has not diminished over the half-year I’ve been reading. In short, if the first one was readable, this one is too. But it’s not really any different, except for the plot and incremental growth in character depth. So, y’know.