When last we saw our hero, preacher Jesse Custer, he was on his way back to Texas to follow up some leads on the whereabouts of God, who to Jesse’s way of thinking owes him an explanation or three. But if there’s one thing that can get in the way of a perfectly good spiritual quest, it’s family business…
I said that unless something went horribly wrong, I’d be buying more of this series. I can say with a great deal of assurance that something has gone horribly right. Until the End of the World, the second volume in the Preacher series, ratchets up the sex and the violence and the fiery theological debate, and adds in family themes with depth that would feel right at home in a Gaiman comic and a love story that could measure up to anything written by S. Morgenstern. Can I hear an Amen?
Also, I’m really curious to discover what Skwid was referring to by conspiracy theories. So yeah, I’ll be ordering more of these as soon as I can feasibly do so, I think. In the meantime, still a couple of entries in the gift pile yet to go.